Thursday, April 2, 2009

not everything, just one thing.

Hey guys.

So I have started a new blog. I decided to start one for several reasons. The first is to provide information on issues that are close to my heart such as fair trade, poverty, anti-slavery, climate change and consumerism. The second reason is to suggest everyday things that you and I have the power to do. The third reason is so that I myself find out more information about certain topics, and so that I can share it with you.

Last year I took part in a camp called 'Slum Survivor' and also got involved with Tear and attended the Youth Summit that they held last year. One of the main things that came out of these two experiences for me is that there is so much unfairness and injustice in the world that it is very easy too get overwhelmed by all the issues that face us. But one thing we must realise is that we can't do everything! But we can do one thing. And that one thing can and does make a difference. One example that has just come up this week is Cadbury (in the UK only) changing it's dairy milk to FairTrade. This is a great example of what people can do when they lobby for change.

Why my motivation for all these issues anyway? Well most of you who will read this will know that I am a Christian and therefore I believe that I am called to love others and love God. For me, the meaning of 'loving others' is using the resources God has given me, whether that be money, possessions, time or my voice, to help people who are oppressed, poor, lonely or in some other desperate situation. But you don't have to believe in God to have a heart for the human race or the environment to see the awful things that are going on in this world and want to change it.

So each week I'll post up something new for you and I both to think about.



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