Thursday, July 23, 2009

power shift report

Hey guys,

So my weekend in Sydney was pretty amazing. I learnt so much at the Power Shift conference. I was inspired and encouraged by so many other young people who also want to make a difference about the way we consume and use resources on this planet.

I heard stories of the incredible Indian Youth Climate Movement; the despair and anxiety of Pacific Islanders, who will be the first to suffer if we do not act on climate change immediately; and from politicians and policy makers.

The main thing I wanted to get out of this conference was more of an understanding about certain issues and also how to go about creating a change in my circles. I learnt a lot more about politics and in particular the CPRS scheme (which I will attempt to explain in simple terms in my next blog).

I also learnt more about campaigning and advocacy and I really want to put this into practice and do all I can to promote sustainability to my family, friends, church, work colleagues and my peers at uni.

The two big things the conference focused on was 1) a shift away from fossil fuels to renewable energy (and NO that does not mean nuclear) and 2) a push for the government to support and create more green jobs.

The seminars I went to were National Climate Change Policy and Legislation, Campus Climate Challenge and Introduction to Advocacy. Unfortunately I missed out on the Green Jobs and Careers fair because my train was 2 hours late thanks to Sydney track work! :(

So this is just a brief report and I will talk about the CPRS in a few days time. I really didn’t know much about it a couple of months ago, and I’m no expert now, but I think it is really important for everyone to understand what it’s about, because it plays such an important part in our Earth’s future. So I will attempt to give you an overview.

Thanks for reading


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

power shift flash mob dance!!!

Hey guys,

This is just a glimpse of how awesome power shift was on the weekend! I'll be be posting more about it soon, so watch this space!

Friday, July 3, 2009

my first vlog

hey guys! this is a bit out of date, mainly coz i have no idea how to upload videos, but I've worked it out now!

Monday, May 18, 2009

organic choice

Check out Organic Choice!

It has heaps of info about organic products and where you can buy them locally!

A great resource


Friday, May 15, 2009

keeping myself accountable

So many apologies for the lack of posts over the last few weeks. I have been house sitting and have had no internet access, but as of today I am back home and can start blogging again!

Now, a few posts ago I mentioned five things I was going to change in regards to food that I consume and so here is an update on how I'm going with those:

1. I have been making sure I am drinking less milk than I use to. I have been substituting my daily bowel of cereal with toast and fruit every second morning. I used to have a milo every day too, and I am trying to only have one every second day as well.

2. We have yet to plant our veggie garden, (Dad wanted to wait until we got some rain), but we have prepped the soil. well dad has prepped the soil, seeing as I haven't been home to do anything. But now that I am back home, he can expect some hassling from me to start planting :)

3. We bought mum a compost bin for mothers day! very exciting. I think i was more excited about it than mum, but we're filling a ice cream container full almost everyday to put in the bin and it's half way full already! It scares me to think how much we were throwing out into the waste before!

Now I haven't yet switched to an organic muesli. My excuse is that I've been housesitting, so I have to make sure the food in those houses doesn't go to waste. But I will be going shopping today to get some!

5. I have made a conscious effort when I go out to dinner, (or if I have been to disorganised to make lunch beforehand) to choose vegetarian dishes over meat dishes.

So that's how I'm going. If anyone wants to let me know what changes they've made, post a comment. I'd love to hear about it.

Some more exciting news! I've booked my tickets to the Power Shift Conference in Sydney for the 11-13th of July! I'm so excited to go and learn more about what can be done and how to raise more awareness about climate change. I'm going by train, as it was cheaper by bus, but is still more eco-friendly than flying. so it'll be my first trip to Sydney which I'm pumped about! If anyone wants to come with me let me know!!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

some eat green websites

The Food Forest
This website is about a local SA place in Gawler. It has heaps of good tips.
The Organics Directory
This place has some great info on organic food.

Ethical Consumer Guide

Go here to find out what companies provide ethical products. It ranges from food, to toiletries to computers.

Fairtrade Association of Australia and New Zealand
For info on what and where to buy Fair trade products

Farmers Markets
Find your local farmers market to buy local goods

Adelaide Central Market

A great website to remind you when to plant what veggies